

Wondering which diaper size to choose for your little one? Here's a simple diaper size chart you can use as a quick guide to the best diaper size for your baby:

Kiddicare Critter Milestone Baby Weight in KG Average Number of Nappies a day How long your little one may need this size
Newborn 6 - 11 KG 6 - 9 1 Month
Infant 4 - 7 KG 6 - 9 2 - 3 Months
Crawler 6 - 11KG 6 - 9 2 - 3 Months
Toddler 10 - 14 KG 5 - 7 10 Months
Walker 13 - 18 KG 5 - 7 10 Months
Junior 16 KG + 5 - 7 14 Months